Front Porch Radio - Circle Unbroken

When you evaluate your team members, productivity is likely among the top measures you use to determine how well they’re doing their jobs. If folks aren’t meeting their targets or their work product is suffering, it might not necessarily be their fault. Today’s show discusses barriers to productivity and what can be done.

What is Front Porch Radio - Circle Unbroken?

Circle Unbroken is a fun and honest format for churches, businesses and teams to grow and focus on their core values and mission. Hosted by Taft Ayers, the subjects of faith, business and community are explored in a practical and modern manner. Listeners will learn how to build a strong and lasting brand for whatever group they represent. Each episode features nuggets to discuss and dissect topics such as credibility, content, marketing and mission. Taft brings his experience from corporate speaking, business coaching and team training to the hour format.