Expert Insights – Black Dog Institute Podcasts

With the plethora of digital CBT apps and programs available, how do you select one that's effective, safe, and engaging for teens?
In this episode, Dr. Aliza Werner-Seidler, Scientia Associate Professor and Head of Population Mental Health at Black Dog Institute, delves into her research on digital cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and its impact on teen mental health. Aliza shares the latest research findings and insights on navigating interventions to ensure they're evidence-based and prioritise the safety of teens' data and privacy, among other considerations.
Joining her on the panel is Hazel McKenzie, a psychologist specialising in teen mental health, who discuss how clinicians currently integrate digital CBT into practice. Additionally, Ruby, a teenager serving as a lived experience representative, will offer invaluable perspectives on her firsthand experiences with digital CBT, shedding light on its impact and usability.
Panel Members
· Dr. Aliza Werner-Seidler - Scientia Associate Professor and Head of Population Mental Health at Black Dog Institute
· Hazel McKenzie - Psychologist in private practice
· Ruby - Lived Experience Representative
· Dr Sarah Barker, Clinical Psychologist

What is Expert Insights – Black Dog Institute Podcasts?

Expert Insights by the Black Dog Institute is a series of podcasts each tackling an important mental health topic and providing insight and expert knowledge from and for health professionals.

Black Dog Institute is a global pioneer in the identification, prevention and treatment of mental illness and the promotion of well-being. Our unique approach incorporates clinical services with research, education and the voice of lived experience to reduce the incidence of mental illness and suicide, remove stigma and improve lives.