Political Coffee with Jeff Kropf

Roger Shipman Constitution Party chairman interview: http://constitutionpartyoregon.net/ 
Sen Linthicum interview: https://electdennis.com/ 
Primary election day 2024! Low turnout means your vote counts as many as three times more than normal: https://oregoncatalyst.com/77636-turnout-20-votes-count-triple.html 
If the man who destroyed Portland is not defeated today does it doom Oregon? https://oregoncatalyst.com/77612-ny-post-man-destroyed-portland.html 
Portland hotels lag other cities in occupancy because of bad perceptions: https://www.oregonlive.com/business/2024/05/portland-hotels-are-little-more-than-half-full-lagging-other-cities.html 
Sadly SCOTUS wont hear OR lawsuit based on their prior ruling: https://www.centraloregondaily.com/news/regional/oregon-mail-voting-lawsuit-supreme-court/article_76e718e1-6cbd-597f-86fe-d50ad373d406.html 
Catherine Engelbrecht on how to clean up voter rolls: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/05/catherine-engelbrecht-reveals-how-true-vote-its-army/ 
25 million voter registrations are either invalid or inaccurate: Catherine’s new website to clean up voter rolls: https://www.iv3.us/ 

What is Political Coffee with Jeff Kropf?

A Long-time radio host with his own show as well as backing up as host for nationally syndicated broadcasts, Jeff is a fifth generation Oregon farmer, aviator, professional musician, former State Legislator, lobbyist, real estate developer, small business owner, firefighter, and served as an embedded broadcaster with Oregon National Guard in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Jeff is a former Oregon State Representative and fifth generation Oregon farmer from Sublimity, Oregon. Kropf served as Chairman of the House Agriculture Committee for two legislative sessions and served two sessions on the Transportation and Ways and Means subcommittees.

He also leads the state chapter of Americans for Prosperity.