Make Marketing Suck Less for Expertise-Driven Solo Businesses

“Hey! Look at me!”
“Hey! Buy my program…Read my blog…Listen to my podcast!”
“Smash that subscribe button!” 
“Hey, I've got the only foolproof way to solve your problem!”

Let's face it. It's noisy out in the marketplace. On social media, it seems like everyone is hawking their wares, talking about how much money they make and how they can teach you to do it too. 

It's enough to make you want to give up on marketing. I get it. And you can't because there are people out there right now searching for you and your solution. 

So how do you rise above the noisy marketplace? 

How do you get the attention of your right fit client and then create connection and conversation with them? 

You do it with your 3 Word Rebellion. And today on the pod, I'm going to talk about why expertise driven businesses need a 3 Word Rebellion now more than ever.  

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Full show notes and transcript are here.

What is Make Marketing Suck Less for Expertise-Driven Solo Businesses?

The only podcast that admits marketing is F@$!ing hard and makes it suck less for solo business owners who are juggling client delivery and sales on top of all those marketing tasks.

I'm your host, Dr. Michelle Mazur, the author of the 3 Word Rebellion and founder of The Expert Up Club. Unlike most marketing podcasts that share the latest marketing fads that promise “Viral Internet Fame,” I know you don’t need any of that BS to run a thriving business.

Each week, I share unconventional strategies and ideas grounded in research, not opinion, that help you clarify your message and become way more effective with your marketing.

While I can't promise you'll ever love marketing, I can promise you’ll hate it a tiny bit less.

(Formerly Rebel Uprising Podcast)