Retail Is Your Business - retailtech and retail innovation

Retail Is Your Business - retailtech and retail innovation Trailer Bonus Episode 52 Season 1

Keith Lawes of Casper's Ice Cream - Meeting the Demand for Retailers

Keith Lawes of Casper's Ice Cream - Meeting the Demand for RetailersKeith Lawes of Casper's Ice Cream - Meeting the Demand for Retailers


Brands like legacy ice cream brand Casper's have had to work twice as hard to fulfill orders and demands from their over 10,000 retailers who are selling out of ice cream.  Keith Lawes, VP of Sales and Marketing at Casper's Ice Cream, provides insights into the company's long history, diversifying the roster of successful products, what retail strategies work, and  how they are able to fulfill these large demands (with safety protocols) even in the face of a pandemic.

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What is Retail Is Your Business - retailtech and retail innovation?

Retail Is Your Business is a weekly podcast covering the intersection of innovation/technology and business strategy in the world of retail (online and offline, across all industries) -- with a focus on consumer experience. As informed hosts dive deep with insiders -- from industry leaders to cutting edge startup founders -- crucial insights, career journeys, trends, new ideas, and the state and trajectory of the retail industry become accessible with a fun and comfortable morning radio vibe..