Pioneers in Health

With a mission to shape health, education, and economic policy that will improve the lives of Kansas children and families, Kansas Action for Children works across the political spectrum through bipartisan advocacy, partnership, and information-sharing on key issues. KAC works with policymakers, local organizations, and fellow advocates to inform sound policy, foster collaboration, and promote and equitable tax system. John Wilson joined Kansas Action for Children in 2017 and serves as President & CEO, working closely with the Board of Directors to set long range goals, strategies, plans, and policies that allow the organization to fulfill its mission. John serves on the Kansas Children’s Cabinet and Trust Fund and has been a member of the Governor’s Council on Education, Tax Council, and Census Complete Count Committee. As a former Kansas State Representative, John has a unique understanding of the legislative process and the people who shape policy in the Statehouse. John’s education and experience in design guides the way he approaches policy change — focusing on making ideas clear, relatable, actionable, and focused on people.

What is Pioneers in Health?

Welcome to the United Methodist Health Ministry Fund Podcast, Pioneers in Health. We hope to bring you inspiring stories of pioneering health leaders who led important efforts to improve health. We’ll bring you guests from our state, from our nation and from your backyard to tell their stories of how they broke new ground and changed the landscape of health care.