Rose Library Presents: Community Conversations

Rose Library Presents: Community Conversations Trailer Bonus Episode 1 Season 2

A Conversation about Bram Stoker's Dracula

A Conversation about Bram Stoker's DraculaA Conversation about Bram Stoker's Dracula


A major collection of Bram Stoker materials has arrived at Rose Library. The rare book librarian who is cataloguing most of it interviews a Dracula aficionado about the enduring legacy of our most famous vampire.

Show Notes

This fall, a major collection of books and papers related to Bram Stoker's iconic novel Dracula, collected by John Moore, opened to the public. Learn more about this collection here and here.

Beth Shoemaker is the Rare Book Librarian at Emory University’s Stuart A. Rose Manuscript, Archive & Rare Book Library in Atlanta. Her work includes cataloging, collection development, teaching and curating exhibits in the Emory Libraries. Follow her Rose Library rare books Instagram here.

Eddy Von Mueller is a scholar, filmmaker and educator in Atlanta, Georgia. He co-edited How A Monster Became an Icon: The Science and Enduring Allure of Mary Shelley's Creation, and most recently, he directed, produced, and co-wrote with the late curator of Rose Library's African American collections, Pellom McDaniels, Small Steps, "a documentary film about the shocking experiences of a group of Upward Bound students visiting St. Augustine, July, 1969."

What is Rose Library Presents: Community Conversations?

The Community Conversations series invites conversation about an historical person, event, or place. Rose Library staff interview guests connected to the archive to engage in conversation that connects the session with our collections. Audiences will learn from the insights of our guests and more about what we do and who we are as an organization and as a profession.