
Supercool Trailer Bonus Episode 10 Season 1

Cities on the Move: Safe, Connected Bike Lanes Built 3X Faster

Cities on the Move: Safe, Connected Bike Lanes Built 3X FasterCities on the Move: Safe, Connected Bike Lanes Built 3X Faster

Fresh out of grad school, Kyle Wagenschutz was hired by the mayor of Memphis, TN, and given a daunting task: prevent the city from being named the "Worst Place to Bicycle in America" by Bicycling Magazine for a third year in a row. Kyle succeeded. Five years (and over a hundred miles of bike lanes) later, Memphis was recognized as a national leader, and Kyle was honored at the White House as a Champion of Change. Kyle took his insights to other cities and accomplished the near impossible: he enabled them to build safe, convenient, protected bike lanes in months, not decades. He joins Supercool this week to share the playbook.

Show Links:

Guest: Kyle Wagenschutz

Organization: City Thread

Grant Program for Cities: Accelerated Mobility Playbook (Applications Open Until 11/20/24)

Project: The Final Mile

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What is Supercool?

Discover real-world climate solutions that cut carbon emissions, boost the bottom line, and improve modern life. Each week, climate entrepreneur and author Josh Dorfman pinpoints proven playbooks, business models, and technologies accelerating the low-carbon economy in future-forward towns and cities. Hear from CEOs, Mayors, startup founders, policymakers, and other innovators addressing climate change head-on to shape a smarter, more sustainable future.