Blood & Rain

So much is lost in our daily efforts.

Most have absolutely no clue.

It’s likely due to the fact that we’re in a society that is far too rooted in half measures.

Many strap themselves to a desk job to salivate over escapism, and when they’re presented with something they actually WANT to do and even MUST do, their minds are still in the stupor from the norm of escapism-abusing that they couldn’t possibly begin to be present.

Even for those who are focused, steadfast, and aligned, much is lost.

Our actions are not enough. The actual act of practicing our chicken physical skills is not enough to master them.

They must be analyzed, adjusted, and solidified in the mind, so there is no stepping backwards.

Control of ones mind takes much brainpower.

We can trap brainpower of our own through transference of our thoughts onto notes.

When we see these notes that capture exactly where our bodies and minds were the last time we performed a physical skill, we can truly pick up where we left off without any time thrown to the waste of “catching up.”

When the skill never truly leaves the mind, it accelerates the progress.

If you’re not keeping proper training notation, you’re fucking up.

The Blood & Rain Podcast

Episode 41

Training Notation


What is Blood & Rain?

Blood & Rain