Gavin and Brad hosts this week's CFML News Podcast
They discussed Trying out Github Co-Pilot, Hacktoberfest 2023.
They talked about Adobe updates and the new refreshed installers, releases for Spreadsheet-CFML, and reminded you about recent releases of CBElasticSearch, and Fusion Reactor.
They announced a new set of Ortus Webinars, Ortus Office Hours, Ortus Book Club, and Koding with the Kiwi. They also talked about CF Hawaii CFUG and an Indian CFUG Tech Group.
They reminded you of last week's ViteConf, Microsoft Ignite, and discuss upcoming conferences, AWSome Day Online Conference, ITB Latam, Dev Nexus 2023 and ITB 2023... including dates
They discuss what's new and coming soon with CFCasts as well... including free and paid content with more content each and every week.
They spotlight a lot of great blog posts, tweets, videos and podcasts, too many to list, so listen to the show.
They announce some jobs from and on the web... including some from the community and Ortus hiring another USA Developer.
They show off the ForgeBox module of the Week - PKCE Generator - A CFML component to generate or verify a Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE) challenge pair.
This week's VS Code Tip of the week is - JavaScript (ES6) code snippets
This extension contains code snippets for JavaScript in ES6 syntax for Vs Code editor (supports both JavaScript and TypeScript).
They talked a little information about perks for their Patreon supporters, including Annual Memberships with a discount... and now new perks like the BoxTeam Slack Channel and Gavin had some more crazy ideas, looking for feedback on what Patreons want to see in the future... vote for that in the Boxteam Patreon Slack Channel.
For the show notes - visit the website
Music from this podcast is used under Royalty Free license from SoundDotCom and BlueTreeAudio
Show Notes
- Brad Wood - Senior Developer at Ortus Solutions
- Gavin Pickin - Senior Developer at Ortus Solutions
Thanks to our Sponsor - Ortus Solutions
The makers of ColdBox, CommandBox, ForgeBox, TestBox and all your favorite box-es out there.
A few ways to say thanks back to Ortus Solutions:
Patreon Support ( effervescent )
Goal 1 - We have 42 patreons providing 100% of the funding for our Modernize or Die Podcasts via our Patreon site: Goal 2 - We are 33% of the way to fully fund the hosting of
News and AnnouncementsUpdate - Trying out Github Co-PilotI know Adam Tuttle, Carol Hamilton, Adam Cameron are using Co-Pilot, so I thought I would try it out. It’s interesting, it’s not very CF Smart yet, but it does give you some great pseudo code, especially with our testing. Hacktoberfest 2023HERE’S WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW TO PARTICIPATE AND COMPLETE HACKTOBERFEST:
Register anytime between September 26 and October 31
Pull requests can be made in any GITHUB or GITLAB hosted project that’s participating in Hacktoberfest (look for the “hacktoberfest” topic)
Project maintainers must accept your pull/merge requests for them to count toward your total
Have 4 pull/merge requests accepted between October 1 and October 31 to complete Hacktoberfest
The first 40,000 participants (maintainers and contributors) who complete Hacktoberfest can elect to receive one of two prizes: a tree planted in their name, or the Hacktoberfest 2022 t-shirt. Ortus Blog about Hacktoberfest - New Releases and UpdatesColdFusion 2021 "refreshed" installers available (with update 5)...but only in one place for nowHere's some surprising news: Adobe has released a "refreshed" installer for CF2021, which includes update 5 (which came out last week) built-in.
TLDR: these new "refreshed" CF2021 installers are (for now) available only here: here. Spreadsheet-CFML v3.6.1Spreadsheet-CFML v3.6.0 released with new support for adding data validation drop-downs #cfml ICYMI - Adobe ColdFusion 2021 and 2018 October Security UpdatesCommandBox images are out as well
We are pleased to announce that we have released the updates for the following ColdFusion versions:
- ColdFusion (2021 release) Update 5
- ColdFusion (2018 release) Update 15
In these updates, we’ve fixed a few security and feature-specific bugs, along with other libraries. We’ve also introduced support for M1 macOS.
For more information, see the tech notes below:
- ColdFusion (2021 release) Update 5
- ColdFusion (2018 release) Update 15 ICYMI - cbElasticsearch 2.3.3 ReleasedWe are pleased to announce the release of cbElasticsearch version 2.3.3. cbElasticsearch is the Elasticsearch module for the Coldbox platform, and provides a fluent CFML API for interacting with, searching, and serializing to Elasticsearch servers.
This release adds full compatibility for Elasticsearch v8.x as well as maintaining support for Elasticsearch versions 6 and 7. ICYMI - Fusion Reactor 9.1.0 Not long after FR 9 was released, 9.1.0 has been released with 2 bug fixes and 5 improvements. Webinar / Meetups and WorkshopsNew Ortus Friday Webinars - Every Friday at 11am CDT
Ortus Webinar October 28th - 11am CDT
Step up your Testing with Gavin Pickin
Ortus - Office HoursNovember 4th - 11am CDT
Daniel Garcia will host a variety of Ortus people
Office Hours questions & requests form available
Ortus Book Club - Patreon OnlyNovember 11th - 11am CDT
Robert Martin
Clean Code
Ortus WebinarNovember 18th - 11am CDT
CFUG Tech Talk - Document Services APIs and You by Raymond CamdenThursday, October 20th, 2022 8:00pm-9:00pm IST (9:30 AM CDT)
Most organizations have to deal with documents, from PDFs to various Office formats, managing and processing documents can be overwhelming. In this talk, Raymond will discuss the various Adobe Document Services APIs and how they can help developers manage their document stores.
Register: Presentation URL: CFHawaii - ColdFusion Builder for VS CodeFriday, October 28, 2022 at 3:00 PM to Friday, October 28, 2022 at 4:00 PM PDT
Mark Takata, the Adobe CF Technical Evangelist for ColdFusion will give a presentation on the new ColdFusion Builder extension for VS Code. During his talk he will discuss:
Access built-in support for IntelliSense code completion, better semantic code understanding, and code refactoring.
Identify security vulnerabilities and maintain the integrity of your code.
Manage your work with extensions, remote project support, integrated server management, a log viewer, and more!
Customize every feature to your liking by creating shortcuts, easily formatting and reusing code, and using powerful extensions to better your best. Adobe Workshops & WebinarsJoin the Adobe ColdFusion Workshop to learn how you and your agency can leverage ColdFusion to create amazing web content. This one-day training will cover all facets of Adobe ColdFusion that developers need to build applications that can run across multiple cloud providers or on-premise
10:00 AM PST
Building Native Mobile Applications with Adobe ColdFusion &
10:00 AM PST
Winter Holiday Special: A preview of ColdFusion 2023
Mark Takata FREE :)
Full list - CFCasts Content Updates
https://www.cfcasts.comJust Released
Coming Soon - Now that ITB is over we can get back to our Video Series
- More ForgeBox and VS Code Podcast snippet videos
- Box-ifying a 3rd Party Library from Gavin
- ColdBox Elixir from Eric
- Getting Started with ContentBox from Daniel
- ITB Videos will be released Dec for those who are not ITB Ticket Holders
Conferences and TrainingICYMI - ViteConfTuesday and Wednesday October 11-12, 2022
Online: Free
Making Web Development Instant - Microsoft IgniteWednesday-Friday October 12–14, 2022
Online: Free
In Person: $1895
Explore the latest innovations, learn from product experts and partners, level up your skillset, and create connections from around the world. Join us October 12–14 at 9:00 AM PDT to help shape the future of tech. AWSome Day Online Conference - This weekTHURSDAY, OCTOBER 20, 2022
9AM – 12PM PT | 12PM – 3PM ET
We're bringing the cloud down to Earth
Join us for a free virtual 3-hour AWS Cloud training event delivered by our skilled in-house instructors. Deploy from Digital OceanNovember 15-16, 2022
The virtual conference for global builders
Subtract Complexity,
Add Developer Happiness
Join us on the mission to simplify the developer experience. Into the Box Latam 2022Dec 7th
More information is coming very soon.
Dev NexusApril 4-6th in Altanta
(Approx 40% off)
If you are planning to speak, please submit often and early. The CALL FOR PAPERS is open until November 15
Into the Box 2023 - 10th EditionMay 17, 18, and 19th, 2022.
Middle of May - start planning.
Final dates will be released as soon as the hotel confirms availability.
CFCampNo CFCAMP 2022, we're trying again for summer 2023
TLDR is that it's just too hard and there's too much uncertainty right now.
More conferences
Need more conferences, this site has a huge list of conferences for almost any language/community., Tweets, and Videos of the Week10/17/22 - Blog - Charlie Arehart - ColdFusion 2021 "refreshed" installers available (with update 5)...but only in one place for nowHere's some surprising news: Adobe has released a "refreshed" installer for CF2021, which includes update 5 (which came out last week) built-in.
Did you know about this? You'd be forgiven if you had not heard, for reasons I will explain. And I'm glad to share the news, though it's a good news/bad news sort of thing (just like with the update itself. More on that in another post to come.)
TLDR: these new "refreshed" CF2021 installers are (for now) available only here: here. 10/17/22 - Tweet - James Moberg - Boolean Coercion in JavascriptI learned #coldfusion long before javascript, I often forget that CFML is non-standard & treats numeric values as boolean. This obviously doesn't work in JS. Using Boolean() or !! is recommended for coercion.
Here's some helpful tips that I found: - Blog - Julian Halliwell - Adding validation drop-downs to your spreadsheets with CFMLAs web application developers we're used to adding drop-downs to our web UIs via <select> HTML elements. They're a reliable way of making sure people make a valid choice from a limited set of options - countries or credit card providers, for instance.
Drop-down lists are also supported in the world of spreadsheets via "Data Validation" or"Validity" menu options, depending on the software you are using. 10/13/22 - Blog - Ben Nadel - Trying To Get The Most Trustworthy IP Address For A User In ColdFusionOn a recent Penetration Test (PenTest), one of our systems was flagged for not properly validating the X-Forwarded-For HTTP header, which is a recording of the various IP addresses along the network path being made by an inbound request. To be honest, I've never really thought deeply about IP addresses from a security standpoint before; but, having this show up on a PenTest sent me down a bit of a rabbit hole. And, I thought it might be worth talking a bit about why IP addresses pertain to security in ColdFusion. 10/13/22 - Tweet - Brian Rielly - Coldfusion Xml Allow Path - CF 2021 Update 5 breaks XMLhmmm...
I haven't tested this at all yet, but I wonder if orgs that need to set "coldfusion.xml.allowPathCharacters = true" will loose any added protection against XXE, XSLT injection, and other XML-based attacks.
#coldfusion #xxe #xml #APSB22-44 10/12/22 - Tweet - Adam Cameron - Writing code on ColdFusion 5… 10/11/22 - Blog - Mark Takata - Adobe - CFSummit 2022 RecapWell, that’s another CF Summit in the books, and the first in-person event in 2 years. It was an absolute joy and thrill to be able to see all of you that made it to the event this year in person. I just wanted to take a moment and re-live a bit of the fun, give thanks to folks and give some updates. 10/11/22 - Blog - Mark Bockenstedt - Can Destructured Variables Be Scoped In ColdFusion?Destructuring is a convenient way to assign the values from complex objects like arrays & structs into distinct variables. That's all well & good, but all examples I've seen don't bother with variable scoping. Proper scoping is important for explicitness and to better understand where your variables are coming from. Without proper scoping, you may be pulling a variable from an unexpected location.
All examples that follow were written and executed on ColdFusion 2021, Update 4 using 10/7/22 - Tweet Thread - Brad Wood - explaining wireboxWith a framework like WireBox, the calling code doesn't need to know
* where the dependency lives
* how to build it
* what init() args it requires
* what nested dependencies it needs
You just call wirebox.getInstance( "foobar" ) and WireBox does the rest. #abstraction
Like when you order a steak at Applebee's- you don't tell the chief where the cow lives, what the cow needs to eat, or where his seasonings are in the kitchen. You just ask the waiter for a "steak" and the kitchen does the rest. CFML JobsSeveral positions available on over 142 ColdFusion positions from 78 companies across 65 locations in 5 Countries.
4 new jobs listed this week
Full-Time - ColdFusion Developer at India - India
Oct 18 - Senior ColdFusion Developer at Brisbane QLD - Australia
Oct 17 - SE-ColdFusion at Bengaluru, Karnataka - India
Oct 13 - Senior Software Engineer-ColdFusion Developer at United Stat.. - United States
Oct 13 Job Links ForgeBox Module of the Week
PKCE - pronounced PIXIEBy Matt Gifford
PKCE Generator
A CFML component to generate or verify a Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE) challenge pair. Code Hint Tips and Tricks of the Week
JavaScript (ES6) code snippetsThis extension contains code snippets for JavaScript in ES6 syntax for Vs Code editor (supports both JavaScript and TypeScript). Thank you to all of our Patreon SupportersThese individuals are personally supporting our open source initiatives to ensure the great toolings like CommandBox, ForgeBox, ColdBox, ContentBox, TestBox and all the other boxes keep getting the continuous development they need, and funds the cloud infrastructure at our community relies on like ForgeBox for our Package Management with CommandBox.
You can support us on Patreon here’t forget, we have Annual Memberships, pay for the year and save 10% - great for businesses.
- Bronze Packages and up, now get a ForgeBox Pro and CFCasts subscriptions as a perk for their Patreon Subscription.
- All Patreon supporters have a Profile badge on the Community Website
- All Patreon supporters have their own Private Forum access on the Community Website
- All Patreon supporters have their own Private Channel access BoxTeam Slack
- Live Stream Access to streams like “Koding with the Kiwi + Friends” and Ortus Book Club
- John Wilson - Synaptrix
- Jordan Clark
- Gary Knight
- Mario Rodrigues
- Giancarlo Gomez
- David Belanger
- Dan Card
- Jonathan Perret
- Jeffry McGee - Sunstar Media
- Dean Maunder
- Nolan Erck
- Abdul Raheen
- Wil De Bruin
- Joseph Lamoree
- Don Bellamy
- Jan Jannek
- Laksma Tirtohadi
- Brian Ghidinelli - Hagerty MotorsportReg
- Carl Von Stetten
- Jeremy Adams
- Didier Lesnicki
- Matthew Clemente
- Daniel Garcia
- Scott Steinbeck - Agri Tracking Systems
- Ben Nadel
- Richard Herbet
- Brett DeLine
- Kai Koenig
- Charlie Arehart
- Jason Daiger
- Shawn Oden
- Matthew Darby
- Ross Phillips
- Edgardo Cabezas
- Patrick Flynn
- Stephany Monge
- Kevin Wright
- John Whish
- Peter Amiri
- Cavan Vannice
- John Nessim
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