Redemption Arcadia

Redemption Arcadia Trailer Bonus Episode 715 Season 1

Third Sunday of Advent: Magnificat - Luke 1:39-56

Third Sunday of Advent: Magnificat - Luke 1:39-56Third Sunday of Advent: Magnificat - Luke 1:39-56

In this heartfelt message, Pastor Tyler James reflects on Mary’s visit to Elizabeth in Luke 1:39-56. Together, they rejoice in God’s promises, modeling faith and hope in the face of uncertainty. Through their story, Pastor Tyler inspires us to embrace a spirit of joyful anticipation as we prepare for Christ’s coming. Tune in for a message that will deepen your Advent journey and remind you of the blessings of shared faith and community.

What is Redemption Arcadia?

Sermons preached at the Arcadia congregation of Redemption Church. All of life is all for Jesus. For more information, visit