Teach Me About the Great Lakes

Stuart and Carolyn speak with Vidya Balasubramanyam about lake level change and her work with municipalities to adapt to it. Tune in for an all-too-rare dose of optimism and a particular fact about donuts that, while true, we hadn't considered before.

Show Notes

Today's guest:

Vidya Balasubramanyam
Coastal Hazards Specialist
Prairie Research Institute/Illinois Coastal Management Program
Follow Vidya on Twitter!

Show links:
TMATGL 20: Humans Control Inches
Illinois Coastal Management Program
Prairie Research Institute
Illinois Beach State Park Beach-Ridge Project
Shifting Sands — Using Marinas to Drive Ecosystem Health
Interesting review articles on adaptation pathways
The Garden of Forking Paths
Managed retreat and the case for relocating entire cities (fastcompany.com) 
ISGS Website https://isgs.illinois.edu/node/34440 
PRI social media https://prairie.illinois.edu/illinois-issues/coastal-management-program/
Dan Egan: A Battle Between a Great City and a Great Lake

Host & Executive Producer: Stuart Carlton
Cohost: Carolyn Foley
Producers: Hope Charters, Carolyn Foley, Megan Gunn, & Irene Miles
Associate Producer: Ethan Chitty
Edited by: Quinn Rose
Podcast art by: Joel Davenport
Music by: Stuart Carlton

Creators & Guests

Stuart Carlton
Stuart Carlton is the Assistant Director of the Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant College Program. He manages the day-to-day operation of IISG and works with the IISG Director and staff to coordinate all aspects of the program. He is also a Research Assistant Professor and head of the Coastal and Great Lakes Social Science Lab in the Department of Forestry & Natural Resources at Purdue, where he and his students research the relationship between knowledge, values, trust, and behavior in complex or controversial environmental systems.

What is Teach Me About the Great Lakes?

A monthly podcast in which Stuart Carlton (a native New Orleanian) asks smart people to teach him about the Great Lakes. Co-hosted by the awesome staff at Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant.