WJFF - Trailer Talk

Author and journalist Wayne Hoffman joins Sabrina for this conversation about his award-winning non-fiction debut: The End of Her: Racing Against Alzheimer's to Solve a Murder. It's a crime thriller, filled with Jewish history, gay stories and a love letter to his mother all in one gripping book. How does one's past converge with the present as the future is disappearing? Wayne shares this story with us. 

Photo Credit: Frank Mullaney

What is WJFF - Trailer Talk?

Sabrina Artel's Trailer Talk is a combination of live performance, community event and radio broadcast based in the New York's Catskills region. With her vintage 1965 Beeline travel trailer, Sabrina Arteltravels to festivals and events where she invites individuals to participate in what she calls a "public conversation" in a relaxed and comfortable setting. These conversations are broadcast live through speakers mounted outside the trailer, and many interviews are later aired on WJFF during the weekly program. The New York Times described Sabrina Artel's Trailer Talk as "an unusual blend of theater, activism and broadcast journalism."