Cold Steel: Canadian Journal of Surgery Podcast

 Janice Kwan is an internist at Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto. Her research interests focus on health care quality and diagnostic error. She collaborated with folks from the Canadian Medical Protective Association (CMPA) to investigate diagnostic errors in surgery. Her paper, published in the Canadian Journal of Surgery, highlight the significant consequences of diagnostic errors in surgery. We also talked about de-biasing techniques and other strategies for reducing diagnostic error in surgery.

Janice Kwan Twitter:

  1.  Characteristics and contributing factors of diagnostic error in surgery: analysis of closed medico-legal cases and complaints in Canada.
  2.  Diagnostic Process:
  3.  Improving Diagnosis in Healthcare:
  4.  I-PASS tool:
  5.  Society to Improve Diagnosis in Medicine (SIDM) Fellowship in Diagnostic Excellence.,error%20community%2C%20and%20help%20you

What is Cold Steel: Canadian Journal of Surgery Podcast?

The official podcast of the Canadian Journal of Surgery