Gaming the System

Gaming the System Trailer Bonus Episode 33 Season 1

009 - Is Gaming Worse than Watching TV?

009 - Is Gaming Worse than Watching TV?009 - Is Gaming Worse than Watching TV?


If I had a dollar for every time someone said to me "playing video games is no worse than watching Netflix" I'd probably have about $200 give or take...
But, is there any truth to it? Well, kind of...
The problem is television isn't designed to be hyper-stimulating, unlike video games. You don't get pop-ups rewarding you for playing for a long time, you're not being challenged, and most of the time it's not social.
I had fun making this one!

As always thanks for listening. If you enjoyed it I'd love it if you could leave us a review as it really helps us out!
Until next time.

Music by Nordgroove from Fugue.

Show Notes

If I had a dollar for every time someone said to me "playing video games is no worse than watching Netflix" I'd probably have about $200 give or take...

But, is there any truth to it? Well, kind of...

The problem is television isn't designed to be hyper-stimulating, unlike video games. You don't get pop-ups rewarding you for playing for a long time, you're not being challenged, and most of the time it's not social.

I had fun making this one!

As always thanks for listening. If you enjoyed it I'd love it if you could leave us a review as it really helps us out!

Until next time.

Music by Nordgroove from Fugue.

What is Gaming the System?

Part of the Game Quitters network, GTS brings you everything you need to know about video game addiction, and how people have changed their lives after overcoming it.

Each week we cover a range of topics from industry news and surprise mechanics to companies fighting back against gaming disorder.