Miami Creators

Brenda Schamy from DiSchino and Schamy law firm joins Miami Creators to discuss the "boring side" of being a creative entrepreneur. DiSchino and Schamy has a wide array of clients whose industries span from fashion, art, entertainment, and hospitality to technology, influencers, and more. Brenda shares legal advice for business owners and the evolution, opportunities, and challenges for social media influencers in today’s environment.

Show Notes

Brenda Schamy from DiSchino and Schamy law firm joins Miami Creators to discuss the boring side of being a creative entrepreneur. DiSchino and Schamy has a wide array of clients whose industries span from fashion, art, entertainment, and hospitality to technology, influencers, and more. Brenda shares legal advice for business owners and the evolution, opportunities, and challenges for social media influencers in today’s environment.

Outline of This Episode
  • [1:35] What does Brenda Schamy do for her clients?
  • [8:50] Common mistakes Brenda sees her clients make
  • [15:24] Why is trademarking so important?
  • [18:37] What are common myths among her clients?
  • [20:44] How did she get here?
  • [30:25] How has life turned out differently than she expected?
  • [35:44] What does balance look like to her?
  • [39:51] What are her fears?
  • [45:45] Rapid fire Miami questions
Resources & People Mentioned
Connect with Brenda Schamy
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The inspiring stories behind Miami's most influential businesses, individuals, entrepreneurs and more.