Course Lab: Lessons from Successful Online Course Creators

Arriving seemingly out of nowhere, for most people, the artificial-intelligence tool ChatGPT is shaking up business everywhere. And course creation is no exception. Danny and Abe explore how this tool and AI overall will revolutionize our industry.

Show Notes

In this special episode, Danny and Abe examine ChatGPT (and artificial intelligence broadly) as a free and simple tool for course creators. And as with most things free and simple, there’s the “for better or for worse” with this rapidly developing technology. Anyone creating or thinking about creating online courses needs to know the opportunities and pitfalls that are here and on the horizon.

In this episode Danny and Abe explore:
  • What ChatGPT is and isn’t
  • Danny’s bio as generated by ChatGPT — the good, the bad, and the ugly
  • The impact of AI on the value of information-based courses
  • The right way and wrong way to use this technology
  • How AI is affecting higher education
  • The benefits of these tools for idea generation
  • And much more

Another big advantage over a human, moderately competent assistant: You can only tell a human so many times, ‘You got it wrong, try again.’ ChatGPT will never be offended. So you can keep sending it back until you're happy with what you've got.

– Danny Iny

Resources or websites mentioned in this episode:

Hosts: Danny Iny and Abe Crystal 
Producer: Cynthia Lamb 
Executive Producer: Danny Iny
Assembled by: Geoff Govertsen
Audio Post Supervisors: Evan Miles and Christopher Martin
Audio Post Production: Post Office Sound
Music Soundscape: Chad Michael Snavely
Making our hosts sound great: Home Brew Audio

If you don't want to miss future episodes of Course Lab, please subscribe to Apple podcasts or Spotify or wherever you're listening right now. And if you liked the show, please leave us a starred review. It's the best way to help us get these ideas to more people.

Music credits:

Track Title: Bossa BB
Artist Name: Marie
Writer Name: Chelsea McGough

Track Title: Grace
Artist Name: Shimmer
Writer Name: Matthew Wigton

Track Title: Carousel Lights
Artist Name: Chelsea McGough
Writer Name: Chelsea McGough
Writer Name: Matthew Wigton

Track Title: Coo Coos
Artist Name: Dresden, The Flamingo
Writer Name: Matthew Wigton

Episode transcript: Special: AI Meets Online Courses  coming soon


Creators & Guests

Abe Crystal
Danny Iny
Cynthia Lamb

What is Course Lab: Lessons from Successful Online Course Creators?

Want to create a hugely successful online course, one that has a major impact on the lives of your students? If you want to learn how to create online courses from the best, you turn to Mirasee; and if you want to host that course, you can’t go wrong using the powerful platform, Ruzuku.

Ruzuku co-founder Abe Crystal and Mirasee founder and CEO Danny Iny know what it takes to stand out and be successful in the online courses industry. And now they’re teaming up to share this intel with you in their new Course Lab podcast.

In every episode, Course Lab showcases an entrepreneur/course creator who is nailing it with their online course -- and not because they’re teaching people how to make more money. In fact, most of these creators occupy unusual or overlooked niches, like music, writing for video games, overcoming inherent bias, and finding your life purpose.

Turns out, the key to their success all comes down to their online course design. In this podcast, Danny and Abe reveal the most important design tactics that are making all the difference for these online course creators -- and how you can implement them in your own online course. So if you want to create a successful online course that changes the lives of your students, this is your big chance to learn how it’s done from the best in the industry!