Taming The Titans

The 20th century birthed ‘Big Brother’ - an omnipresent surveillance state - but the 21st century's digital surveillance capacities have created a ‘Big Other’ - online corporations watching us more closely than any state apparatus ever has - the difference is, we’ve put Big Other in our own pockets and homes. 
Emily Hart is joined by Luis Fernando García, Executive Director and co-founder of Mexican digital rights organisation R3D, and Tomaso Falchetta, who leads Privacy International's global policy engagement. 
They'll be digging into issues of online privacy and surveillance - how much do we even know about the data being collected on us? Why does it matter to our human rights and democracies? What can we do? 

What is Taming The Titans ?

A new podcast series on Big Tech and human rights. How did a handful of companies come to dominate our digital lives?

What does it mean for us and how might we take that power back? A conversation is gaining momentum around anti-monopoly and competition law – can it bring these giants back down to size?

Taming The Titans is a podcast from human rights organisation ARTICLE 19, hosted by Emily Hart and produced by Chris Hooton.