Through The Hard - Parenting Teens in Crisis

đź’™Special Edition: Interview with a Pastorđź’™ In this two-part episode, I had the pleasure of interviewing my pastor and friend, Jim Ladd. Listen to hear his perspective of what it looks like to parent through the unknowns of this season with purpose.

Show Notes

Moving Through the Unknown with Purpose

This episode is the second in a series of interviews with different people offering different perspectives on what to consider as you walk beside your child through the justice system. 

Questioning what it looks like to parent well through a season we've never had to navigate before is a normal part of this process. In this episode, I have the honor of interviewing my pastor and friend, Jim Ladd. Jim is gifted in his ability to communicate concise, practical information in a way that is encouraging and thought-provoking, and this message is definitely one that will stay with you. 

If you have a child in crisis, we sincerely hope that you find comfort and clarity while listening to his message on the importance of bringing ourselves back to baseline and beginning to examine the bigger picture and opportunity available to us during this time.

A few highlights from this episode:
2:35    Our most difficult, panicky, terrifying crisis moments are actually extremely fertile for the activity of God.
6:45    How to be loving while battling genuine feelings of anger and disappointment towards your child.
14:43   The healthy ability to connect and disconnect.
19:35   A parent's most important job when your child is in crisis.
26:28   Aligning how we parent with God’s love for us.

If you are interested in hearing more from Jim Ladd or connecting with what he's doing, check out the Jim and Jon website to access blogs, books, and the Upstream podcast he co-hosted with his son Jon (It's fantastic). You can also find him on the Evergreen Christian Community Website and Instagram.

Pathways website: (Remember to Subscribe!)

Pathways to Hope Network is a non-profit organization that provides cost-free support and community to parents with youth facing criminal allegations.
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What is Through The Hard - Parenting Teens in Crisis?

Parenting teens can be hard. Parenting teens who are in crisis is even more complicated. You were never meant to walk through this alone.

Welcome to Through the Hard - Parenting Teens in Crisis, a twice-monthly podcast presented by Pathways to Hope Network.
Join us for honest conversations that drive out shame and show us how to navigate the emotions and uncertainty of parenting teens through crisis.