Settlers of Catan’t Even

Settlers of Catan’t Even Trailer Bonus Episode 10 Season 1

The Magical Bean Juice that is Coffee

The Magical Bean Juice that is CoffeeThe Magical Bean Juice that is Coffee


In this episode, we discuss all things coffee-related! Buckle up cause it's a long one!

Show Notes

There is no game today. We just talk about the magical bean juice that is coffee!

# Topics discussed!

Waffle House
Red Starbucks Cup [Starbucks’s red cup controversy, explained - Vox](]

## Sources
International Coffee Day

HIstory of Coffee

Coffee Belt

Bogus Beans 

Fun Facts

Is there more caffeine in Espresso than coffee? [Is There More Caffeine in Espresso Than in Coffee? - Consumer Reports](

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## Hosts
- Twitter: [@maeganwilson_](
- Instagram: [@maeganwilson_](
- YouTube: [Apps By MW](

- Twitter [@katie11318]( 

- Twitter: [@bfelts91](
- Instagram: [@bfelts91](
- Web:  [](

- Instagram: [@clevengercj](

- Twitter: [@princessjasmine14](
- Instagram: [@_snoopjazzyjazz](

# Patrons
Thanks to our supporters this week!!

- Synthia
- Kiara
- Briana

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What is Settlers of Catan’t Even?

Join Maegan, Katie, CJ, Ben, and Jasmine every week for a game of Catan and some real talk about current events, conspiracy theories, and so much more.
Settlers of Catan’t Even is an LGBTQIA+ friendly podcast.