Eurodollar University

After two years unequivocally stating "inflation" was the world's biggest threat and crisis, and that nothing short of full victory would suffice, now all of a sudden Europe (and Canada) is changing it up, cutting rates even as price estimates remain well short of their standard while also appearing to be stuck that way. What is really going on here?

Eurodollar University's Money & Macro Analysis

ECB Christine Lagarde, President of the ECB, Luis de Guindos, Vice-President of the ECB

Bank of Canada Rate Cut Announcement

What is Eurodollar University?

Jeff Snider will guide you through the realm of monetary science. Multiple episodes uploaded each week, discussing big news and key current events, the state of markets and what they are telling you, as well as historical summaries and deep background material so that you can understand what’s really going on in this eurodollar’s world.