The Sages Among Us

Host Maddie Davis chats with Asher Perla, birder, wildlife photographer, a graduating senior from Marysville Charter Academy for the Arts, and this year's recipient of the South Yuba River Citizens League's "Environmentalist of the Year Scholarship". Born and raised in the Yuba foothills, he has always had a love for nature, which became the focus of his life when he first discovered his passion for birding at age 12. His love of birds has taken him all over the state in search of new species, and has brought him a deeper connection to the diverse environments of the Yuba River watershed. Asher plans on pursuing his passion by studying ecology at Cornell University, where he'll use his education to fight for the protection and knowledge of the birds and ecosystems that have given him so much.

What is The Sages Among Us?

Various hosts and guests take a look at people making a difference. It started out as an innovative book about leadership and civic engagement. Four years later, it’s successfully morphed into a weekly KVMR radio series about, you guessed it, leadership and civic engagement.