
Peadar Kearney from Co Louth who is running a high output sheep only system where measuring and managing play a key role, joins Ciarán Lynch on this week’s OviCast.

Peadar is also a participant on the Teagasc BETTER farm sheep programme and gives a quick recap on how lambing went this year, what has happened with the lambs in the interim and how he monitors lamb performance.

He moves on to discuss the grass situation on the farm and the growth rates in recent weeks. Peadar describes the grazing groups on the farm, his pre and post grazing management and the importance of achieving residuals and managing re-growths.

He then explains the grazing infrastructure, his paddock system and the use of temporary fencing and the role that has had in maintaining grass supply for his flock. Peadar also discusses the importance of grass measuring and using PastureBase in his system to give him the information to manage grass supply.

As Peadar is one of the participating flocks in the OviData programme working with Sheep Ireland, he finishes up discussing the kind of information they are recording on ewes for the upcoming 7 week weight.

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What is OviCast?

OviCast is the Teagasc Sheep podcast.

Presented by Ciaran Lynch it brings you the latest advice, insights and technical updates for the sheep industry.

Visit the show page at: https://www.teagasc.ie/animals/sheep/ovicast-sheep-podcast/