The Travelling Wellness Show

Why you need more skeletal muscle, how to achieve it, & why it may just save your life. By Shannon Brenton & IFBB pro bodybuilder Mike Debenham.

Show Notes

STOP EXERCISING AND START TRAINING! Building muscle isn't just for the ego-conscious. The generation and maintenance of an adequate level of skeletal tissue will directly influence what type of life you lead in later years....


“Your muscle is your furnace for burning body fat. If you carry a reasonable amount of muscle you're simply going to expend more energy?” 

-Mike D


Welcome to Episode 22 of the Travelling Wellness Show where on today's show I find myself on the Queensland Sunshine coast speaking with fitness trainer and IFBB pro bodybuilder, Mike Debenham.

Now I go back a bit with Mike, and don't wish to scare anyone off by selecting a bodybuilder to have todays conversation with. To put it simply, Mike knows a thing or two about building muscle and uses his 30 years of experience to influence the lives of people from all walks. Sure he comp preps other male and female competitors for the stage, but this only serves as a reminder that if the serious muscle accumulators reach out to Mike for help, you can too!

This is a two-part show, firstly framing up Mike as your coach as well as the primary reasons that all people should be concerning themselves with maintaining the precious resource we call muscle. On this episode we get to know Mike personally and set the stage for epsiode 23, which is essentially the meat & potatoes of how to gain more muscle via the fundamental movement & nutritional principles.

Key factors of learning include

  • Basic physiology and functions of skeletal muscle
  • General principles of skeletal muscle generation
  • Primary mistakes made when trying to increase lean tissue mass
  • Hormone and gene expression modulation
  • Nutrition 101; the absolute requirements for muscle growth
  • Primary movement patterns for best results
  • Exercise 101; what should I be doing & how often should I do it?


"The amount of guys like mid 30's that I see, who can't even life a small lawn mower into the back of their ute is simply alarming"

-Mike D


Now here's the best part for all the newbies, mum's and dad's & other assorted folk that feel like it's all too hard and not possible for them. THIS MINDSET IS SELF-LIMITING & FRANKLY COMPLETE BULLSHIT! You can do this, you can still lead a normal life, you can still eat and drink the things you like and the exercise part won't take more than 90 minutes out of your entire week!!

Feeling confused or overwhelmed at the thought of it all?? Well thanks to Mike D, we have photographed all the primary exercise movements for you & will make them available on the episode 23 web page next week. We have your back on this, and urge you all to take your life into your own hands and make a move towards a better you.

Growing Muscle is both an art and a science and will influence the whole of your life, rather than simply how you look. That's just a great side-effect!

Enjoy this 2 part series and feel free to reach out for assistance


 More information on Mike’s can be found here

What is The Travelling Wellness Show?

Not any old Health and Wellness podcast!!

Join Clinical practitioner Shannon Brenton, as he packs up his clinic and hits the road full time to connect with Australia's most experienced and influential talents in the health and wellness space.

Combining with many of the people Shannon has worked with over the years, these are the stories often never told. Bare boned truths, industry secrets and the personal experiences of industry leaders that most never get to hear from.

Educational, inspirational and entertaining, the outcome is a thought provoking collection of conversations aimed at equipping the average person with the tools and perspectives required to live a better life in modern times.