Walk Worthy

Here are some examples of what we can do for others based on what I’d like someone to do for me (get specific) 1 Knowing Jesus as I do, would I want someone to tell me about Jesus if I didn’t know him already? Yes! But how? Personally, caringly, earnestly, gently, and knowingly. Though the unbeliever may not “want” to hear about Jesus. 2 If I were in a place and didn’t know anyone (new or otherwise), what would I want someone to do for me? Commit to meeting one new person per month  3 Ask someone for coffee or dinner who you think may be too busy to accept 4 Give or volunteer to serve in our mercy min or a community service of mercy 5 Start a life group and invite those who don’t have one 6 Ask someone to read the Bible with you, Visit someone who is shut in or sick 7 Pray with people in the moment while they are with you 8 Make a new friend with someone NOT in your regular social circle 9 When you hear of tragedy in someone’s life, join them and weep with them 10 When you see someone getting angry with someone, intervene 11 Rather than minimizing an offense, have an awkward conversation to confess your sin 12 Offer regular meals, regular prayers, regular texts, emails and phone calls, even hand written notes and cards or just stopping by to visit someone you’ve met 13 See a need and meet it. If it’s obvious, do something, love covers a multitude of sin

Show Notes

Here are some examples of what we can do for others based on what I’d like someone to do for me (get specific)
1 Knowing Jesus as I do, would I want someone to tell me about Jesus if I didn’t know him already? Yes! But how? Personally, caringly, earnestly, gently, and knowingly. Though the unbeliever may not “want” to hear about Jesus. 2 If I were in a place and didn’t know anyone (new or otherwise), what would I want someone to do for me? Commit to meeting one new person per month 
3 Ask someone for coffee or dinner who you think may be too busy to accept
4 Give or volunteer to serve in our mercy min or a community service of mercy
5 Start a life group and invite those who don’t have one
6 Ask someone to read the Bible with you, Visit someone who is shut in or sick
7 Pray with people in the moment while they are with you
8 Make a new friend with someone NOT in your regular social circle
9 When you hear of tragedy in someone’s life, join them and weep with them
10 When you see someone getting angry with someone, intervene
11 Rather than minimizing an offense, have an awkward conversation to confess your sin
12 Offer regular meals, regular prayers, regular texts, emails and phone calls, even hand written notes and cards or just stopping by to visit someone you’ve met
13 See a need and meet it. If it’s obvious, do something, love covers a multitude of sin

What is Walk Worthy?

Walk Worthy is our official podcast from Hespeler Baptist Church featuring sermons, encouragements, discussions, and more as we strive to be disciples and make disciples who walk worthy of the gospel (Philippians 1:27).

Visit us at hespelerbaptist.ca or send us an email at podcast@hespelerbaptist.ca