Halo Drop

Welcome to another episode of Halo Drop, this one’s a real eclectic mix for you. We’ve got everything from vertical farming at home, to agricultural sensors, to the best startup Indian mattress companies. Don’t forget to download or subscribe!

Key takeaways:
Vertical farming
Agricultural sensors
Sleep industry
The fish that ate the whale
Gold Belly

Show Notes

Welcome to another episode of Halo Drop, this one’s a real eclectic mix for you. We’ve got everything from vertical farming at home, to agricultural sensors, to the best startup Indian mattress companies. 

But first - what can you do to not be dependent on the supply chain? You can start by growing your own foods, in vertical farming. 

“Lettuce and basil are super easy to grow, I started growing tomatoes and have been growing them for two months… The tomatoes you grow at home are a lot more robust and different than what you get in the store. What's in a grocery store is genetically modified to be exactly what people want.”

Next, as we're moving and shifting into this always connected, always on world, how do you get all this data collected faster and easier? Sensors are the answer. And what is going to be the new use case for these things? One is agricultural tech. 

“There's this big push now towards agriculture. There's a bunch of companies that are trying to really figure out how do you sense how your farm or your produce is doing, so you can then further optimize it?”

Another is startups offering sleep solutions online. 

“The mattress industry was worth over $27 billion in 2017. And it's going to reach over $43 billion in 2024.”

To find out more, don’t miss this latest installment of Halo Drop!

On today’s podcast:
  • Vertical farming
  • Agricultural sensors
  • Sleep industry
  • The fish that ate the whale
  • Gold Belly


Hosts Twitter
Vishal - https://twitter.com/vgurbuxani
Krishna - https://twitter.com/ksub15
Sunil - http://twitter.com/vermasun

Show Social
Twitter https://twitter.com/halodropfm

What is Halo Drop?

Have you always wondered what it takes to make an Idea go from ok to amazing? To go from Idea to Exit?

What are the trends shaping India today, and how can we take the lessons from Silicon Valley and apply them at scale?

We created Halo Drop to build a community of amazing entrepreneurs, investors, family offices, hustlers, and change agents. We want you to be inspired to learn, build, and become successful! We spend countless hours researching the top trends in India and America to bubble up the macro trends, find amazing companies, and share actionable tips for you to get started.

This isn’t just a show for you to listen in on, we want you to participate and build.

Visit https://www.halodrop.fm for more information.