We got to sit down with Hank Fortener backstage at STORY 2016 to talk about his life as a communicator, entrepreneur, and podcaster. We loved hearing his insight to what pushes him to start something new. In this episode, you'll learn about the role envy plays in his life as a storyteller and what pushes him to constantly create new things. Be sure to check out World Adoption Day and how you can get involved on November 15th here: http://worldadoptionday.org/
We got to sit down with Hank Fortener backstage at STORY 2016 to talk about his life as a communicator, entrepreneur, and podcaster. We loved hearing his insight to what pushes him to start something new. In this episode, you'll learn about the role envy plays in his life as a storyteller and what pushes him to constantly create new things. Be sure to check out World Adoption Day and how you can get involved on November 15th here: http://worldadoptionday.org/
Stories are powerful, and narrative drives all human behavior. But how do we as leaders, creators, entrepreneurs, or just humans searching for meaning leverage that power for good? The storyOS Podcast dives deep into that question, so you can increase your narrative intelligence, grow your influence, live with purpose, and build a better future for yourself and the world you live in.