Sober.Coffee Podcast

Dr. John is back! Talking about ISM in the coffee shop. What is ISM? Dr. John says it’s the Human Condition - we are the only creatures on the planet that have the capacity to introspect, to torment ourselves with regret for the past, fear for the future. How do you get out of that ISM? Dr. John proposes the key to sobriety is finding a way out without alcohol.

In this episode:
Dr John Previous Guest Spot w/ Sober.Coffee:

Book: The Road Less Traveled by Dr Scott Peck:

For more about this podcast:

Visit Sober.Coffee website:
Sober.Coffee on Instagram:
Recorded at Audiohive Podcasting:
In collaboration with Care Addiction Center:

What is Sober.Coffee Podcast?

Join Mike & Glenn in the Sober.Coffee Shop as they share experience, strength and hope with those on the sober path of recovery.