Retirement Answer Man

Retirement Answer Man Trailer Bonus Episode 566 Season 1

Retirement Year End Planning: Withdrawing from Assets

Retirement Year End Planning: Withdrawing from AssetsRetirement Year End Planning: Withdrawing from Assets

Join us in this insightful episode as we continue our series on year-end action items, focusing on optimizing your retirement planning. Today, we delve into the intricacies of withdrawing assets, discussing everything from flexible spending accounts to inherited IRAs. We also explore the concept of "gear, not stuff" with insights from Michael Easter, and how making thoughtful purchasing decisions can impact your financial health and the environment. Don't miss our deep dive into tax strategies and the importance of building a resilient retirement plan. Plus, we answer listener questions about decumulation, working with financial advisors, and more. Tune in to take actionable steps toward a secure and fulfilling retirement!

(00:00) This week we continue to discuss year end action items to optimize your retirement planning
(00:50) We are gearing up for a retirement plan live case study for January. This time we will be focusing on someone who is single with no children.
(02:10) Roger shares an anecdote about having his kitchen cabinets painted and discusses gear versus stuff.
(05:00) Roger discusses the importance of buying high quality items that last.
(07:25) Today we're going to talk about accounts we should consider withdrawing money from before the end of the year. First up are FSA accounts.
(08:14) The next accounts we are going to talk about are inherited pre-tax accounts.
(09:30) If you inherited an IRA prior to January 1, 2020, your required minimum distribution is required to be taken out by the end of this year.
(10:48) What happens if you inherited an IRA after 2020?
(12:25) Since the Secure Act 2.0 started in 2023, the penalty for not taking the required minimum distribution is 25% of what you should have taken.
(13:35) The next type of required minimum distributions we are going to talk about are those that are age related for original IRA owners.
(15:03) Proactively taking qualified distributions can lower your overall tax rate in retirement.

(20:44) Next Month, we'll focus on answering some of your questions on AskRoger.
(21:12) The first question comes from Scott about principal versus interest and decumulation.
(28:59) Next, Joy says she needs help with retirement planning and decumulation of assets.
(32:45) Mike asks about decumulation and resilience. How should pre-retirees position retirement assets as they reach the last five years or so before retirement?
(39:11) Tom asks about the five year rule for Roth 401k conversions.

(41:08) Take a look at the items that we talked about in terms of withdrawing assets.

(41:45) Roger reads another excerpt from his grandfather's war journal.

Ask Roger

Michael Easter

Dinkytown Calculators- specifically the 1040 tax estimator

Schwab Required Minimum Distribution Calculator

Six Shot Saturday

Show notes created by

What is Retirement Answer Man?

A top retirement podcast. Roger Whitney, CFP®, CIMA®, CPWA®, RMA, guides you on how to actually do retirement well financially and personally. This retirement podcast isn't afraid to talk about the softer side of retirement. It will teach you how to retire with confidence. Two-time PLUTUS winner for best retirement podcast / blog and the 2019 winner for best financial planner blog. This retirement podcast covers how to create a paycheck, medicare, healthcare, Social Security, tax management in retirement as well as retirement travel and other non-financial issues you'll need to address to rock retirement. Retirement isn’t an age OR a financial number. It’s finding that balance between living well today and feeling confident about your retirement. It’s about gaining more freedom to pursue the life you want. Join the rock retirement community at