Work Less, Earn More

As promised, today I'm excited to share with you the webinar strategy that has directly earned me multiple six figures. Let's face it, webinars often get a bad rap... I understand the struggle and I'm here to help. In this episode, I'll teach you how to craft webinars that are engaging, beneficial, and definitely not salesy. I'll break down my four-step framework: Introduce, Educate, Overcome Objections, and Close. By the end of our chat, you'll walk away with a clear action plan on how to create a winning webinar that not only brings in the sales but propels you to six-figure success. Don't miss out – tune in now and let's elevate your webinar game together!

Listen to the full episode to hear:
  • Strategies to transform lackluster webinars into engaging and beneficial experiences.
  • A four-step framework for crafting successful webinars: Introduce, Educate, Overcome Objections, and Close.
  • Insights on avoiding the salesy tone and making webinars more effective for generating revenue.
  • Actionable tips for scaling your business through webinar success, aiming for six-figure earnings.

FREE Resources to Grow Your Online Business:

Work with Gillian Perkins:

Instagram: @GillianZPerkins

What is Work Less, Earn More?

Work Less, Earn More is the podcast that explores how to get the most out of every hour you work. Gillian Perkins brings more than a decade of experience as an entrepreneur and educator to help you design a business that's not only flexible and fulfilling, but highly profitable. She shares strategies that are working in her own business to save time and maximize profits. She also features interviews with successful business owners on how they’re achieving big things in their businesses with crazy-little time investment. Share Work Less, Earn More with an overworked entrepreneur you know who could use a change of pace!