Signs Radio

Bjorn Karlman is the proud dad of a pre-school-aged daughter and can't stop talking about his wife, Jammie. In this episode he shares how he very nearly wasn't a dad and how Jammie's difficult pregnancy strengthened their marriage and their faith.
Image: Unsplash_Isaac Quesada

Show Notes

Bjorn Karlman is the proud dad of a pre-school-aged daughter and can't stop talking about his wife, Jammie. In this episode he shares how he very nearly wasn't a dad and how Jammie's difficult pregnancy strengthened their marriage and their faith. Image: Unsplash_Isaac Quesada

Creators & Guests

Kent Kingston
Editor (former), Signs of the Times

What is Signs Radio?

Signs of the Times is a Christian worldview magazine published by the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Australia since 1886. The podcast is a little newer than that.