Process with Marcella Chamorro: Creativity | Mindset | Mental Health

I met James a few years back at World Domination Summit, and I'm so glad we were able to catch up again ... this time via Skype for this podcast! For those of you who haven't read his stuff yet, James is an accomplished writer who studies behavioral psychology, habit formation, and performance improvement. If you're looking for science-backed advice on habits and productivity, James is your guy!

Show Notes

You know why I love Fri-yay?! Because it means a new episode of Process!
Are you ready?! Let's get to it...
In this episode
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James Clear is my guest on this episode (#012) of Process.
I met James a few years back at World Domination Summit, and I'm so glad we were able to catch up again ... this time via Skype for this podcast! For those of you who haven't read his stuff yet, James is an accomplished writer who studies behavioral psychology, habit formation, and performance improvement. If you're looking for science-backed advice on habits and productivity, James is your guy!
During our conversation, we cover:
  • How he lets his audience decide which topics he'll cover
  • Why he wrote in private for about a year before publishing it online
  • What content he decides to post on which social network
  • The main driver behind his business and creativity
  • How his sleep habits help his output
  • The key rules for every entrepreneur
  • Why he manages his energy instead of his time
  • How he focuses on cutting habits out of his life
Here's my favorite quote from our conversation:
"I manage my energy rather than my time ... You can have one hour available to to do a task but if you don't have any energy to do that task and feel exhausted then having the time doesn't really matter. Time management is overrated in that sense."
I also loved this:
"You need to have more than just your work. If you rely or pour your sense of self-worth into just one thing and that one thing happens to stagnate, then all of a sudden you're judging yourself and feeling shameful."
Show Notes
Here are links to everything we mention during the show:
- James's website, where you can find his articles and seminars
- James's article Identity-based habits: How to actually stick to your goals this year
- The book  The Power of Full Engagement by Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz
- The app Freedom for Mac to block certain websites
- The book Daily Rituals: How Artists Work by Mason Curry
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Thanks for listening! And a huge thanks to James Clear for being on this episode #012 of Process.

What is Process with Marcella Chamorro: Creativity | Mindset | Mental Health?

Process is a podcast for creators and makers who struggle to manage the ups and downs of a creative life, despite the impact they make on our world. Hosted by Marcella Chamorro, this show reveals strategies and stories for managing the rollercoaster of creativity. Discover how you can maintain a peaceful mindset throughout your creative journey. While Marcella confesses she isn't a licensed coach or therapist, she shares the practical methods she's used to experience peace of mind and creative flow throughout all her projects. More importantly, she interviews successful entrepreneurs and creatives from all walks of life to tell their stories and share what has worked for them in the past, including how to avoid burnout, when to put yourself first, what advice to follow when making a big life or business change, and more. Get ready to deep dive into topics such as meditation, zen practices, stoicism, journaling, morning pages, entrepreneurship, failure, and all sorts of tools that can help makers live a more peaceful and creative life.