Teach Me About the Great Lakes

In this episode, Stuart and Megan speak with John Hartig, a Visiting Scholar at the Great Lakes Institute for Environmental Research at the University of Windsor, about his new book, Great Lakes Champions. It's an engaging and optimistic book written by an engaging and optimistic interviewee; check it out!

Show links:
Show credits:
Host & Executive Producer: Stuart Carlton
Co-Host and Producer: Megan Gunn
Senior Producer: Carolyn Foley
Producers: Hope Charters, & Irene Miles
Associate Producer: Ethan Chitty
Edited by: Stuart Carlton. Sigh.
Podcast art by: Joel Davenport
Music by: Stuart Carlton

What is Teach Me About the Great Lakes?

A monthly podcast in which Stuart Carlton (a native New Orleanian) asks smart people to teach him about the Great Lakes. Co-hosted by the awesome staff at Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant.