Collisions YYC

For our 100th episode, I am honored to be joined by Mayor Naheed Nenshi as we discuss his vision for Calgary's way forward despite the challenges in our economy and the struggles faced by the pandemic.

Show Notes

Collisions YYC began with an idea to start the conversation on Calgary’s digital and economic transformation and get our industry leaders, innovators, shakers, and start-ups on the same page. 16 months later,  we’ve run the gamut and covered a wide range of topics that affect Calgarians and our way forward. To celebrate our 100th episode, who better to talk to than the man who is, in a way, Calgary personified – Mayor Naheed Nenshi. From capitalizing on our core industries to retraining our oil and gas workers, and attracting new talent, corporations, and investors to our city, Mayor Nenshi shares his vision for Calgary's way forward despite the challenges in our economy and the struggles faced by the pandemic.

What is Collisions YYC?

Tired of the same old news cycle? Get informed on what’s happening in businesses in Calgary, Alberta and beyond with Collisions YYC.

Tyler Chisholm hosts Alberta’s best and brightest minds who are shaping the very landscape of our province with their work in fields like Technology, FinTech, Energy, Healthcare, Education, AI, and more. Tyler’s inherent curiosity and exploratory style fuel candid conversations with the people who are driving change in our city, our province and the world.

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