Breaking Free - A Body, Mind, Spirit Approach to Mental Health

In this episode I invite Dr. Sarah Campbell to discuss her soul work prompted by her graduation from her Doctoral Program in naturopathic  medicine and a master's in Chinese medicine. Sarah finally gave herself space to feel the cycles of anger, grief, and finally joy at the retrieval of lost parts of Self she had dissociated in order to "fit in" to her programs that did not value her perspectives on healing.  Sarah, who is a powerful teacher on the integration of body, mind, and spirit in our healing journey, shares how she uses free form movement such as dance, walking, intuitive touch, and other somatic therapies to "unwind" the emotions that get stuck in her body. She both celebrates the mind work of conceptualizing our trauma that has been done with traditional talk therapies and calls for a new season of growth that incorporates the mind-body connection through somatic therapies. She also celebrates slowing down and being present with her body-felt experience and re-parenting herself by celebrating herself for "being Sarah" and not for her achievements while giving her nervous system a needed rest after such a long season of producing.  Sarah and I explore the universality of the body-stored trauma that people have when cutting off parts of themselves in order to fit into systems rather than living from authenticity.  We further explain the joy that can be felt as we create intentional space to pause in our lives and connect to our body-felt wisdom that knows what is needed to retrieve these lost part of Self.

What is Breaking Free - A Body, Mind, Spirit Approach to Mental Health?

Podcast hosted by Licensed Professional Counselor, Sommer A. Seitz, MA, LMHC for Whole Women Link Association.