Kalam Astro

We start with discussions of the possibility of life beyond Earth. Could microbes survive on other worlds like Venus or Mars?

SpaceX news - the company is targeting June 5th for the crucial 4th test flight of their giant Starship vehicle. We'll preview this critical milestone.

Researchers studying data from Venus have found signs its volcanoes may still be erupting today. What does this mean for our understanding of Earth's twin?

In astronomy news, the field is poised to make tremendous discoveries - but at tremendous cost. 

We discuss the expensive future of space science.

For stargazing, the Arietids meteor shower peaks on June 7th with morning visibility. We provide tips to spot these fast and bright 'shooting stars.'
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What is Kalam Astro?

Alya Al Nuaimi invites you to embark on an intergalactic adventure through the cosmos with Kalam Astro. Stay up to date with the latest global and local astronomy news, including interviews with industry experts, and discover the secrets of the universe with mind-bending theories. Want some helpful tips on stargazing? Alya has got you covered.