Gap Sell Keenan

Gap Sell Keenan Trailer Bonus Episode 64 Season 1

Gap Sell Keenan #64 - Get To The Problem Quick

Gap Sell Keenan #64 - Get To The Problem QuickGap Sell Keenan #64 - Get To The Problem Quick

If you’ve watched enough Gap Sell Keenans, you know, one of the top 3 problems salespeople face is asking the right questions. Oftentimes, they don’t fully understand where they are trying to carry the conversation or get lost along the way. Asking the right questions in a discovery call is an art and you want them to lead you to a problem as quickly as possible. We don’t want to waste our time as sellers or the prospects time inching our way to a problem. 

In this week’s episode, Matt does a pretty good job of that. He knows the problem he can solve and he asks questions directly to get to answer “does Keenan have a problem I can solve?” 

What is Gap Sell Keenan?

A REAL, LIVE sales call where a salesperson tries to Gap Sell Keenan their product or service. If A Sales Growth Company or Keenan has a problem they can solve, he will buy it! This is a DOPE sales training opportunity! Keenan provides on the spot feedback to help the salesperson throughout the discovery.