ATX Metal Podcast

The Breakdown:

In this episode of the ATX Metal Podcast, Ryan and Josh discuss their foray into the world of reaction videos and their love for metal music. Josh, also known as Drifter Voyages, is a metal reaction content creator on YouTube and the frontman of a metalcore band. They talk about what they look for in reaction videos, their favorite elements in metal music, and the importance of creating engaging content. They also discuss their experiences in the music community and the excitement of upcoming concerts. Overall, they aim to build a community of metal fans who enjoy reacting to and discovering new music. In this conversation, Ryan and Josh discuss reaction videos and providing feedback to musicians. They talk about the approach to critiques in reaction videos and how they deliver their thoughts on the music they listen to. They also discuss the importance of constructive criticism and the need for honest opinions. Ryan and Josh express their excitement about collaborating on reaction videos and the potential for discovering new music. They also mention their desire to support local and independent artists and help promote their music.

Quick Riffs:

-Engaging and entertaining content is key to building a successful reaction channel.
-Being part of the music community and having a background in music can bring a unique perspective to reaction videos.
-Constructive criticism is important in helping artists improve
-Collaborating on reaction videos can lead to the discovery of new music
-Supporting local and independent artists is a priority

Episode Info:

Intro track: "Numb” by Bridges Ablaze
Featured track: "Animal" by Humanity's Last Breath
ATXMP Website:

Sponsors / Affiliates

Come and Take It Productions:
Come and Take It Live:
Titan Audio Productions:
Texas Metal United:

What is ATX Metal Podcast?

The goal of the podcast is to grow with our community and help shed some light on the behind the scenes of our local bands and everyone involved in the music community. We support in any way that we can by going to shows, buying merch and bringing you these podcasts so you can get to know the bands and people little bit more.