Skating in Circles

Moondog Roop and Justin Bright are two distance skateboarders who managed to ride the entirety of the Natchez Trace Parkway, which is a 400+ mile road in the south eastern United States. Moondog and Justin don’t limit themselves to just adventures on a skateboard, they have done some pretty gnarly things on foot, too! I tried to extract as much as I could from them but, truth be told, I don’t think one episode is enough to cover it all. It was a real treat to get to listen to these two chat with each other. As always, thanks for listening and I’m Max Frank.



What is Skating in Circles?

A podcast about distance skateboarding consisting mostly of interviews and covering topics like events, nutrition, gear, and more. The goal for this show is to bring on people from all over the distance skate scene and showcase their contributions to the community.