Eurodollar University

Eurodollar University Trailer Bonus Episode 1035 Season 1

Chinese Banks Have Stopped Lending, and the CCP Is Getting Desperate

Chinese Banks Have Stopped Lending, and the CCP Is Getting DesperateChinese Banks Have Stopped Lending, and the CCP Is Getting Desperate

I am doing a webinar on how The Global Economy is Breaking: What Comes Next & How to Prepare. You can sign up here:

Foreign companies are fleeing China in droves as the government there is now smack in the middle of an epic borrowing spree. Those two things are related, both stemming from the same major deficiency: banks. Not central banks; actual banks. And China's institutions continue to explore new depths. 

Eurodollar University's Money & Macro Analysis

Bloomberg Chinese Stocks Surge as Beijing Plans Briefing on Consumption

Bloomberg China Has Record Foreign Investment Outflow as $168 Billion Exit

What is Eurodollar University?

Jeff Snider will guide you through the realm of monetary science. Multiple episodes uploaded each week, discussing big news and key current events, the state of markets and what they are telling you, as well as historical summaries and deep background material so that you can understand what’s really going on in this eurodollar’s world.