meeting your soul

Please welcome, LEAH ZACCARIA, Entrepreneur, Yoga Teacher, and Author to the meeting your soul pod! I've known Leah for a decade and she's shifted the way I express myself through continuing my own self study through Sendatsu: Next Level Yoga Teacher Training + being a influential mentor within my world. She inspires people to live their truth and to be who they are truly meant to be by embodying that in all she does. 

Leah is an accountant turned entrepreneur.  She was a CPA working in Corporate America for 15 years with a Masters in Taxation.  She went through a personal transformation and in that process found yoga.  She opened her first studio hauteyoga Queen Anne in 2009, her second studio shefayoga Roosevelt in 2013 in Seattle, WA, and her third yoga studio, shefayoga Venice in March 2020, in Venice, California.  She plans to open more studios through personal ownership and boutique franchising. 

She has also created Sendatsu Evolution which holds teacher and leadership training.  She leads international  yoga retreats across the world.  Her book titled “Seen: a memoir” was published and released October 2018.

Learn more about her by visiting her website, or connecting on instagram: @leahzaccaria

What is meeting your soul?

This podcast was designed to empower others to dive into their self-discovery journey by sharing my struggles and triumphs as I have perused a deeper connection to my own heart. I’ll share tips and tools for embodying love, authenticity and soulful confidence. My goal to create a community that openly discusses wellness in a holistic sense. Let’s work together to find harmony within our mind, body and spirit through ancient texts, somatic practices and positive psychology techniques.

I’m so happy you’re here – I love you already!

I would love to hear about your story, feel free to reach out on my website, www.coachingwithferrah. You can also connect with me directly on Instagram @ferrahchino.