In this episode Rowdy gets abducted by a spider leaving Travis alone to talk about the latest gaming news (Sony State of Play, Aeon Must Die Controversy, Nintendo & Sony Earnings, Fall Guys Falls Into a Hit, xCloud & Apple Store problems Deep Dive, Game Pass August Releases), rumors (Sony exclusives, FFXVI, and did an executive order ban Tencent's Fortnite and League of Legends?), and the impressions for The Touryst, It Lurks Below, and Far Cry 5. Rowdy manages to escape to join in the BONUS POINTS segment where we ask what the Lamer Community thinks about games having console exclusive content such as Spider Man on PS5 Avengers. This and more!
News - 01:42
Rumors - 57:10
Impressions - 1:10:07
Bonus Points - 1:25:14
Hello Lamer Gamers! We host a gaming podcast where our main quest is to have fun and give you a combination of gaming news, views, rumors, along with special BONUS POINTS topic where we reach out to the Lamer Community to gather other points of view on hot gaming topics. Now with ridiculous gaming parody commercials!
Podcasts that don't follow these two formats are considered SIDEQUEST episodes with a specific focus such as rantings, ravings, reviews, spoilercasts, "nerd alerts", Top 10's, games vs history, and more!