MUJERES DEL SIGLO XXI (Women of the 21st Century)

The problems that we have in Latin America with machismo to which mental psychological situations lead us in our community in our children.

Show Notes

Agustina hotel Rios psychology and therapist talk about the issue of machismo She tells us that machismo is the attitude or oppression towards women and it is bad because machismo attitudes contribute to rape, femicide, families that separate, abandonment of women and children to domestic violence. How does machismo cause trauma?
4 main traumas
1-abuse (physical, emotional, sexual, verbal, economic)

como el machismo impacta en la cultura?
la cultura impacta en el hombre identificar con el agresor y esto demuestra el nivel tan alto en latino America de violaciones y femicidios encontra de la mujer, puede ser mas vulnerable al entrar en una relacion abusiva por no reconocer las señales rojas pensando que es noormal y cuando vemos un patron que es conocido aunque no sea seguro ,una mujer quizas identifica a una una victima (aun nivel muy inconsiente pero por trauma esta grabado en uno) se continua relaciones abusivas hacia la mujer. 
el machismo y como criamos a nuestros niños.
agustina dice en mi trabajo tengo varias dinamicas que existen y adisten alimentar futuras generaciones de machismo por 
1-mujeres no teniendo autoridad en su hogar 
2-no poniendo limites a nuestros hijos 
3-poniendo demasiado limites a nuestras hijas 
4-diciendo a nuestros niños barones "los hombres no lloran"
esto con lleva a problemas machistas a la edad adulta y con lleva a formas spicopatas en nuestra cultura normalizandolo .
How does machismo impact culture?
The culture impacts on the man to identify with the aggressor and this shows the high level in Latin America of rapes and femicides against women, they may be more vulnerable when entering an abusive relationship because they do not recognize the red signals thinking that it is normal and When we see a pattern that is known even if it is not safe, a woman perhaps identifies a victim (at a very unconscious level but because of trauma it is recorded in one) abusive relationships towards women continue.
machismo and how we raise our children.
Agustina says in my work I have several dynamics that exist, and they want to feed future generations of machismo by
1-women not having authority in their home
2-not putting limits on our children
3-putting too much limits on our daughters
4-telling our children barons "men do not cry"
This leads to macho problems in adulthood and leads to psychopathic forms in our culture normalizing it.

What is MUJERES DEL SIGLO XXI (Women of the 21st Century)?

Women go through a lot of hardships in this world. In each episode I will discuss a few topics with women from different Spanish speaking countries. I will be talking to many women from all sorts of backgrounds. We will discuss domestic violence and how to get help. We will discuss with women the ways they support their communities. We will discuss entrepreneurship and empowering women.
MUJERES DEL SIGLO XXI is a safe space where women can express their real power, and talk about their journey of healing. Listeners to see how women have made it through hardships to success.