Providence College Podcast

In this episode of the Providence College Podcast, Dr. Jessica M. Mulligan, associate professor of health policy and management, details her research on the impact of the Affordable Care Act on coverage, access to care, and systematic exclusion in the American health care system in the new book she co-edited, Unequal Coverage: the Experience of Health Care Reform in the United States. She also discusses how student researchers and grants from the College supported the project.

Show Notes

In this episode of the Providence College Podcast, Dr. Jessica M. Mulligan, associate professor of health policy and management, details her research on the impact of the Affordable Care Act on coverage, access to care, and systematic exclusion in the American health care system in the new book she co-edited, Unequal Coverage: the Experience of Health Care Reform in the United States. She also discusses how student researchers and grants from the College supported the project.

What is Providence College Podcast?

The Providence College Podcast features interviews with interesting members of the Friar Family. These in-depth conversations with PC students, Dominicans, faculty, staff, and alumni provide a rich look into the lives of noteworthy Friars. Occasionally we will also bring you on-campus lectures and presentations. Go Friars!