Build A Better Wellness Biz

Creating a life and business that sets your soul on fire through visualizing the version of yourself that you want to become.

Show Notes

I first became aware of the idea of “being as if” while researching Stephanie Bellinger, today’s guest. 

But once I was aware of the concept, it didn’t take long to realize that I had already been using the practice (unknowingly) and it had played a huge role in my ability to grow my business. 

Stephanie shares how imagining who you want to become in the future, and then taking practical, down to Earth steps to get there, can help you get clear on your message, your purpose, and grow yourself and your business in a way that feels aligned to you. 

Check out the full show notes with key takeaways, quotes, in-depth guest info, and more.

In This Episode
  • How to manifest the success you desire in the outer world by working on your inner world (4:40)
  • Signs that you should be working on your mindset and start operating at a higher level (10:25)
  • Tips for those scared to take the leap towards stepping into a new identity to take you to the next level (15:46)
  • The power of consistency when leveling up to become the version of yourself you want to be (25:30)
  • Understanding your own message better by showing up and sharing it with others (30:10)

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Balancing the Intuitive ‘Being’ With the Tactical ‘Doing’ with Stephanie Bellinger

Stephanie Bellinger left her day job as a personal trainer at a gym to start her own training business, which took off rapidly, quickly hitting 5-figure months.  

It was all the more frustrating and confusing when only a year and a half into being self-employed, it began to fall apart. 

After losing clients and being forced to pick up bartending jobs to pay rent, she was forced to look at the root cause of what had led both to her rapid rise, and her equally rapid decline. 

The answer she landed on? 

Her mindset.

Since then, Stephanie has rebounded and built up a new business,  working as a mindset and transformation coach, helping women entrepreneurs create a life and business that sets their souls on fire.

She combines the spiritual with the practical to help women turn their dreams into reality on purpose. 

It Starts With Awareness

As you might have experienced, we as business owners often get hung up on beliefs about ourselves that we’ve internalized and can wreak havoc in our businesses, much like they did for Stephanie. 

She shares that you have to take responsibility for yourself regardless of what has happened to you throughout your life to be able to truly stand in your power and intentionally create the life you want. 

Getting hung up on needing the perfect strategy or refining your message constantly until it is ‘just right’ is only holding you back from the success you are looking for. 

By shining light on your limiting beliefs, you can work through them, unlock your creativity, and start to have fun with your business! 

Because if you aren’t having fun, what is the point?

Change Your Habits To Change Your Future

Stephanie shares how the first step to leveling up your business and your life is visualizing who you would be if you were living that life and running that business.

What habits does that version of you have? How do they spend their time? Who do they interact with? 

One of the biggest changes you can make in your life and your business is shifting your habits to focus on the version of yourself that you want to be in the future, and visualizing your future self is a powerful motivator to keep you accountable. 

By taking small steps, changing your habits and believing in your ability to achieve the version of yourself you want to become, you are unstoppable. 

Where do you feel that you can apply being ‘as if’ to your life and business? How does the person you want to embody operate differently than what you are currently doing? Let me know in a voice message here. 

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What is Build A Better Wellness Biz?

Building a business is hard.

Building a BETTER business, one where you're not worried about where your next client is coming from, where you have an engaged audience of raving fans, where you're operating from the driver's seat as the visionary & CEO of the company instead of putting out endless fires?

That's harder.

But with the right support, it's possible.

Build A Better Wellness Biz is a podcast giving you that support and helping you accelerate the growth of your online wellness business.

On the show, host, Jeremy Enns talks with a range of successful wellness business owners and subject matter experts to get to the bottom of what's working now for wellness businesses, so you can apply the strategies yourself.

Listen in each week, to tap into our community of generous, authentic, heart-centered biz owners and unlock the potential of your online wellness business.

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