SheBreathes Soul Stories: From Triumph to Transformation

Introducing"SheBreathes Soul Stories: From Triumph to Transformation" a NEW Women's Movement and Podcast co-hosted by Jennifer Gulbrand and Rachael Barillari.

We passionately believe in the profound impact of personal narratives. When stories are shared, they have the power to create waves of change and foster understanding within ourselves and our listeners. Each woman's truth is a vital thread in the rich tapestry of the human experience, and we are here to wholeheartedly support you in sharing yours.

Embark on a transformative journey as we co-create something truly magical here with our SheBreathes Soul Stories™ series, filled with storytellers from both our first and upcoming published anthologies. We're thrilled to invite YOU to be part of this extraordinary adventure!

What to Expect:
Authentic Conversations: Join Jennifer and Rachael as they engage in authentic, soulful conversations with incredible women who share their stories of triumph over challenges and profound transformations.

Anthology Book Preview: Get an exclusive sneak peek into the themes and stories featured in our first Anthology Book. Discover the strength, resilience, and wisdom that emerge from the pages and learn how you can get in on the next anthology and coaching program kicking off this February. 

Community Connection: SheBreathes Soul Stories is more than a podcast; it's a community. Connect with like-minded individuals, share your own stories, and be part of a supportive network that celebrates the diverse narratives of women around the world.
Ready to dive deep into the realms of triumph and transformation? Subscribe now, and let's breathe life into these soulful stories together!

What is SheBreathes Soul Stories: From Triumph to Transformation?

Henry David Thoreau said, “We are constantly being invited to be who we are.”

Yet how many of us accept the invitation to show up 100% authentically in our interactions with one another? How often do we feel safe enough to bring our whole selves to a conversation or a relationship?

Most of us are held back by limiting beliefs and fear of being misunderstood and not belonging. In a world where people are hiding to stay “safe”, speaking our vulnerable truth is probably the most courageous thing we can do.

I wholeheartedly believe that when we open ourselves up, show our vulnerability, and share our real stories, we begin to heal ourselves and one another.

Last Spring, I published my book, Embody Your Essence, to step out more boldly and reveal my story— who I am, what I have experienced in life, and how those experiences have shaped me—with the heartfelt intention of helping others on their path to growth and healing. The experience was so liberating that I then encouraged 22 other women to join me on my truth-telling adventure and curated my second book SheBreathes Soul Stories: From Triumph to Transformation. How 22 Women Reclaimed Their Joy.

Sharing our stories with one another leads to deeper, more fulfilling relationships and connectedness…..when we share the deepest parts of ourselves we recognize that we are so much more alike than we are different.

And that is why I created the SheBreathes Soul Stories Podcast and Women’s Empowerment Program. Because I passionately believe in the profound impact of personal narratives. When stories are shared, they have the power to create waves of change and foster understanding.

We are looking for our next group of women who are ready to unravel their limiting beliefs, move beyond their fear, and share their stories for personal growth and healing. Women who are ready to join our movement and reclaim their joy.

Get ready to be inspired by these Authentic Conversations with Women who are sharing their stories and building the SheBreathes Soul Stories Community.

Thank you for listening. Let's breathe life into these stories.