Homecoming with Sarah Elaine Nelsen

FREE Thanksgiving Day gentle yoga with Sarah

The Homecoming podcast is sponsored by the Homecoming membership, an online therapeutic yoga membership for people looking to connect with their true self through gentle movement, breath work, stillness, and contemplation.

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In this episode I chat with Steff Gallante about: 
  • Routines vs habits
  • The importance of routines according to Ayurveda
  • Why self care is especially important for disruptors
  • Creating routines in uncertain and challenging lives
  • Starting simple self care practices

Steff's Bio:
Steff Gallante (she/her) is a justice centered mental health and trauma-informed yoga teacher, Ayurveda Yoga Specialist, self-care coach, workshop facilitator, host of the podcast Humaning: The shit we need to talk about, and the owner of Steff Gallante Self-Care. Her mission is to disrupt the status quo of society’s view of self-care, mental health, overall well-being, and most importantly: who gets to feel well. Her work centers on guiding clients who are doing the hard work of pushing against, disrupting, and dismantling oppressive systems in creating a lifestyle of mindful self-care to support their mental, emotional, physical, and energetic health, navigate everyday stress, work through the effects of trauma, alleviate burnout, decrease overwhelm, and promote more ease and joy in their daily lives in a deeply personal and sustainable way. 

She empowers her clients through one-on-one and group sessions to uplift their day-to-day well-being and mental health by incorporating yoga, meditation, mindfulness, and Ayurveda self-care practices. Her services provide holistic support so her clients can be more fully resourced and authentically show up in the world to support their community. Steff is a lecturer for Rutgers University's Department of Kinesiology and she facilitates wellness workshops for businesses, organizations, and conferences.

Steff's Links:

Release the Pressure Call When you’re in the height of overwhelm, the depths of burnout, or time-crunched between competing priorities, the first wave of relief will come in softening the tension a bit. We’ll block off 90 minutes for a Zoom call (but don’t worry, we might not need that long) to discuss what you’re experiencing and how you want to feel. I’ll offer clarity and customized support with a few simple shifts you can begin exploring to release the pressure based on your available time and energy.
Free Disruptor's Guide to Self Care
Humaning podcast
Steff's website
Steff on Instagram

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Sarah's Links:
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Find out more about Sarah & who she works with on this podcast episode
Sarah's newsletter (receive the FREE Guide to Creating a Yoga Habit)
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Sarah on Instagram

What is Homecoming with Sarah Elaine Nelsen?

(Formerly Swimming & Singing) Conversations and practices for returning to your true self.