A Reason for Hope

Do We Have Supernatural Gifts? | Gilbert Rodriguez | CANDID

A Reason for Hope CANDID's Alanis and Jimmy interview Gilbert Rodriguez, Associate Director of Adult Faith Formation for the Archdiocese of New York and Facilitator at Encounter School of Ministry. They discuss his faith journey, experience in the Charismatic Renewal of the Church, and how it led to his involvement with the Encounter School of Ministry. Additionally, they aim to demystify some of the taboos commonly associated with the renewal.

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What is A Reason for Hope?

Array of Hope presents A Reason for Hope, a podcast that explores the Catholic Faith and the teachings of their patron St. John Paul II in a way that is fun, relevant, and engaging. Join Mario Costabile and Dr. David Hajduk each week, in addition to special notable guests, for an audio journey aimed to inform, inspire, and awaken hearts.