MWA: Muggles With Attitude

The best cosplay ever

Show Notes

We sat down and watched Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, the movie, which is (once again) a big change from the style of the previous movies. We talk about how the filmmakers fared trying to translate this packed book to the screen.

We are Alice Sullivan (@alicemsullivan), Micah Sparkman, and Jeff Lake (@jeff_lake).

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Music: Backyard Adventure by Hans Hylkema, licensed under CC-BY 4.0.

What is MWA: Muggles With Attitude?

We're reading the Harry Potter novels and podcasting about them! Join us as we walk down the halls of memory and of Hogwarts, Hoggy Warty Hogwarts!

We are Alice Sullivan (@alicemsullivan), Micah Sparkman, and Jeff Lake (@jeff_lake).