Unprocessed by I Quit Sugar

In today’s episode Clara and Grace interview filmmaker Tahyna MacManus about her documentary Misunderstandings of Miscarriage. This eye-opening film documents MacManus's personal experience with miscarriage, as well as those of other women who have gone through it. Through her journey she discovers that what was once seen as a taboo topic is becoming more openly discussed - allowing for strength in numbers and a newfound understanding among those affected by miscarriage. Tune into this episode to hear from Tahyna herself on how she was able to turn her personal pain into an empowering message for all women struggling with similar issues.

Misunderstandings of Miscarriage Website: https://www.mumdocumentary.com/
Misunderstandings of Miscarriage Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mum_documentary/
Misunderstandings of Miscarriage Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mumdocumentary/
Tahyna MacManus Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tahynamacmanus/

The Pink Elephants: https://www.pinkelephants.org.au/
Beyond Blue: https://www.beyondblue.org.au/home Phone: 1300 22 4636
Sands: https://www.sands.org.au/247-phone-support  Phone: 1300 308 307

I Quit Sugar 8 Week Program - Get 15% off with the code 'UNPROCESSED'

Clara's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/clara.mearns/?hl=en
Grace's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/grace_16martin/?hl=en

What is Unprocessed by I Quit Sugar?

I Quit Sugar are bringing you an 8 episode series where we interview some incredible people who have so much wisdom to share on different areas of health and wellbeing. It’s our hope these conversations inspire you to take control of your health and live your fullest live in the process.